Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Letter received March 8, 2009

Hi Everyone,

Things are getting very exciting now. We are starting a bunch of obstacle courses now and learning to work as a team.

So, If I remember correctly, I last said we had the gas chamber coming up. So, we hit the gas chamber and all it is is riot control gas and pepper spray at a high concentration and stronger dose. So, we went in shoulder to shoulder w/ our gas masks on. We were then standing there waiting for the drill sargeant. They lit the gas and 1 by 1 the drill sargeant came up to us and we had to pull our mask 4-6" away from our face and say our last name and last 4 of our social. That wasn't bad. They then told us to take off our mask, so I did and I immediately closed my eyes and held my breath, and I had 10 seconds to go until someone hit me, and I lost it. :( My eyes were starting to burn and it just felt like someone shoved something down my throat. I couldn't breath and I was coughing and gagging soo much. It sucked. LOL

Anyway, we started confidence courses and repelling and only 20 of 55 soldiers in my platoon were able to climbe the rope of "The Tough One" Confidence Course. I was 1 of 4 that climbed up the rope w/out our feet in less than 7 seconds. It was really good. I spent a good 20 minutes helping a heavier guy cross part of the course cuz he is afraid of heights w/his weight. I got him across though. We went repelling and that was such a cinch. LOL

The most exciting time will be this Saturday . We have a drill and ceremony competition against the other 3 platoons. We are ready for it big time.

We just did our first physical test on Monday. I ran a 15:29 two mile, 49 sit-ups in 2 minutes, and then 33 push-ups in 2 minutes, which sucks cuz I accidentily touched the ground before the 1 minute mark. :( So, I have been working on push-ups every night. Trying to get 70 push-ups in at least 1 1/2 minutes. It's my best goal. LOL. I'm excited tho. I passed, and that's all that matters.

The one thing we are getting ready for is rifle marksmanship. We get to go shoot our M4 Carbine Rifles on March 15th, and my goal is to go for expert. I need to hit 36 of 40 targets to get the badge.

Oh, yesterday....ha ha ha ha ha ha Your all gonna love this. My left eye is cut, and getting swollen. LOL. It's combatives week and yesterday the drill sergatns got to pound in all the privates faces. LOL. Each of us had to go 4 rounds and had to perform the correct hold really quick, and we couldn't fight back. So, my 2nd round, the D.S. (Drill Sergeant) got throught my block and nailed my left eye and cut it very good. First hit to the face ever! LOL. Felt good. 4th round, I went up against the biggest D.S.....D.S. Revock. I saw his right punch coming, so I moved and he nailed my left arm hard. So now I have a crazy bruised arm that hurts bad. LOL. Hope you enjoyed that.

Anyway, things are amazing here.

Love always,


P.S. Send letters people :( I feel unloved.

Make sure the envelope looks exactly like my example envelope. Otherwise they won't give me my mail. (if you need a copy of the envelope, let me - Kimberly - know, and I'll get you a copy)

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