Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Hey Everyone!

Since everyone enjoys my letters, they will love this one. LOL.

Okay, so here is the huge update for one week which is way awesome. I'm way excited to talk about it all. LOL. Last Sat we were in Puggle Sticks. Puggle Sticks are PVC pipes with round soft padding on both ends. We used them to get first hand training on how to use our rifle to block and attack in case of close hand-to-hand combat. It's fun. But, alot of work is needed to just perform by only technique to win the match. all of us were placed in weight divisions and at the end, we chose the best in our platoon in each of the five weight divisions. Thoms for the 125-140 class, Rosa for the 140-160 class, Ming for the 160-180 class, LaBlanc for the 180-200 class, and Tripp for the 200+ class. Then, we put them up against the best from the other platoons in each of those divisions. Four of the guys were just beasts, and LaBlanc was all about technique. Guys were getting pounded left and right, and it was awesome! So, at the end, three of our guys; Thomas, Rosa and Tripp took 1st place, and Ming and LaBlanc took 3rd place in their division. It was so awesome that the 4th platoon (my platoon) aka Warlords took our first plaque, we were so happy to finally have a plaque to hange. So, we now have the Puggle Stick plaque for the 4th platoon. LOL! :)

Sunday we were supposed to go see an airshow outside the base in Columbus, and we were excited for all the pizza and snacks we were going to eat, that we can't have while in basic training. Also, we were allowed to make phone calls, so you can see how excited I was. So, we got to the air field only to find out it was cancelled due to bad weather! So, we were all depressed all day. Especially me cuz I missed church! :( I was sad.

The next thing on our agenda was Monday's APFT test. This would be our 2nd one, and we need 50% in each category. So, my last APFT scores in the 2 minute/2 mile were 33 push-ups, 49 sit-ups and 15:29 for the 2 mile with a score of 178 points. Now Mondays scores were 47 push-ups, 44 sit-ups, and 13:45 for the 2 miles. My score was 211 points.

I am very impressed with myself, except for the sit-ups. But still I am so happy cuz I got 14 more push-ups and I cut off almost 2 minutes off my 2 miles. All I have done to condition myself is run with the B group, and I have pushed myself hard on the Ruck Marches. I am 89 points away from having a score of 300, which is awesome. If I can get it, then I will get a 1 hour pass every Saturday to do whatever, so I am pushing. Overall, 4th platoon ran most 2 miles in under 14 minutes. We had 79% of our platoon pass, and an average of 225 points, and we won our 2nd plaque. That's just in a couple of days, so the 4th platoon is finally showing everyone what we are truely made of, and why we are called the "Warlords."

Wednesday sucked, but was the best day of my life at Fort Benning for Basic. We had a 6 mile Ruck March to Malone 16 (Shooting Range) for Pre-Qualification in BRM. I was doing so good until we stopped 4 1/2 miles into the march. Then my foot started to swell up. Well, at least the inside of my right foot at least. I pushed the last 1 1/2 miles and finally rested my foot and got prepared to start shooting 40 pop-up targets. My first time shooting for the day was 26 out of 40. I saw where I screwed up, so I made my corrections. I at lunch (MREs as usual, LOL) and then we practed hand grenade throwing with only practice shells. Finally, I went back for my 2nd time around. I made my correction and began to shoot the 40 targets. 20 in the prone-supported postion, 10 in the prone-unsupported position, and 10 in the kneeling position. I was on fire and so sweaty. LOL. I stayed focused and continued performing fundamentals: steady position, aiming/sight picture, breath control and trigger squeeze. After my targe destroying was finished, we lined up for our scores. Drill Sergeant Kroes was telling us our scores. When he got to me and asked if I qualified the first time (which is at least 23 targets to qualify) I told him I hit 26, and then he said "What the hell happened? Privat, you got 37 out of 40!" So guess what that means.........I have made Expert Marksman. YES!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so happy and proud of myself, because I wanted that Expert Marksman Badge.

The following day we went to Malone 14 for qualification, but it was for competition. The first platoon to get the most qualifiers on the first round of shooting were the winners. Four of us from the 4th platoon and one from the 1st platoon had to go to another range to zero our new M68 CCOs, so we couldn't qualify yet. We were trying to zero our M68 ccos, and we just couldn't. Every time I adjusted my new CCO, it went the completely in the opposite direction. A 6th guy showed up finally, and told us the 4th platoon had lost, and that it was now between the 1st and 3rd platoon. The one thing wrong with his logic was that me and my three soldiers from the 4th platoon still had not shot yet. After 2 1/2 hours, we gave up cuz all or CCOs were broken. So, we went back to Malone 14 and Drill Sergeant Ballejo told us to go use someone else's rifle with a perfect zero'd CCO, so we did. We came back and shot and lined up. Drill Sergeant Kroes yelled our scores, and because of the 3 of us, we all qualified on our first shooting, and we won! Our 3rd plaque. The BRM Plaque. Drill Sergeant Ballejo was so excited. 94% of the 4th platoon qualified. So, now everytime we get a haircut, we get milkshakes. YES LOL! It's SUH-WEEEEET. So I am an Expert Marksman, and now I have my badge to add to my class A uniform.

Now yesterday, we marched 2 miles to Malone 1 for grenade training. We learned how to hold and properly throw a grenade. At the end we threw two live grenades, which was so freaken awesome. Then we had to march back. My foot is so messed up. My right foot keeps swelling up during the marches. I couldn't even walk afterwards. Now the last thing is more BAC (Basic Army Combatives). They taught us some more moves and then put us in an all out battle royal. So they started with one guy from each platoon against each other, and if someone tapped out, then the next person in the platoon that tapped out came in. It was so crazy and fun I finally went in and 4the and 3rd platoon teamed up. We went to help our guys, but we were told to go get 1st platoon cuz they were just sitting there waiting. Both of their guys were huge. About 280-300 lbs. HUGE, and med and Hunter had to take them on. So we chaged in (knowing we were going to get ripped to shreds, LOL) So I took on the biggest guy of the two, who just so happens to be prior service, which sucks. So I go;t slammed hard to the ground, and I struggled. He got on top of me and I got him in a hold until his partner was on top of him. So I had two heavy guys on my trying to tap me out. I was about 5 seconds away from having this prior service jerk tap out when Drill Sergeant Huntly cuts in and puts his crotch in my face and pulls my face into his crotch. He then asks what platoon I was in, and when I told him , he goes "Oh, wrong platoon!" LOL So then he takes the prior service jerk away, so I lost my win and had to take on his partner because Hunter tapped out. This even bigger jerk punched me straight across the face and got me in a choke hold, and I had to tap out. My mouth was so bloody it sucked. The inside of my cheek is all cut up big time :( .

So that's my week. LOL. Davies and I are both going to do sniper school, or at least try to get in. We are talking to the Drill Sergeant about it soon. So we will see what happens.

It's getting harder and harder to find time to write now. We are so busy now, and we only get about 20 minutes of personal time. I was happy to write because the 1st sergeant threw the Drill Sergeants and their familes an Easter Party. So, we have been sitting around doing nothing. LOL YES!!!! Nap time for 2 hours and 20 minutes.

Anyways, I am having a flippin blast w/basic, and because of it, I have 3 weeks left for basic training, and 5 weeks until I graduate from the Army, and finally get stationed at a unit. LOL.

Keep the letters coming. Can't wait for my 36 hour pass. Lots and lots of pizza, soda and cake for me and Smith. (****Kimberly Note****For those who don't know I am going to visit Ryan in April, and we will be with his new and close friend while they have a pass)

Anyways, time for a nap. LOL

I love you all,

Love always,


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